Communications, Inc.
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Case Study

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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- January, 2005

3 M's: Market, Message, Medium

Your marketing medium is the vehicle you use to deliver your message to your prospects and customers. Choose a marketing medium that gives you the highest return on your marketing dollar. That means that you want to choose the medium that delivers your marketing message to the most prospects at the lowest cost. Here is a list of the various media you can use to get your messag out.

  • Newspaper ads
  • Posters
  • Card decks
  • Seminairs
  • Signs
  • Banners
  • Trade shows
  • Yellow Pages
  • Articles
  • Classified ads
  • Newsletters
  • Charity events
  • Networking
  • Billboards
  • Special events
  • Sales letters
  • Flyers
  • Email
  • Postcards
  • Doorhangers
  • Media releases
  • Brochures
  • Word-of-mouth
  • Website
  • Business cards
  • Public speaking

The trick is to match your message to your market using the right medium. It would do you no good to advertise your retirement community using a fast-paced, loud radio spot on a hip-hop radio station. This is a complete mismatch of the market, message and medium. Success will come when there is a good match of these three elements.


"Beyold the turtle. He makes progress only when his neck is out." Anonymous

Remember. . .

You can evaluate your marketing materials at our

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Case Study

Challenge: Piedmont Pest Control wanted to improve their marketing materials and be more intentional about marketing into the commercial market in their area.

Solution: A large format commercial brochure with matching presentation folder was created. Dan Dees, Owner, says "The folders are really beautiful. I couldn't be more pleased with the layout and print quality."


Brochure - Below

Outside of brochure

Inside of brochure

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