Compelling Communications

Helping Service Businesses Attract More Clients

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Case Study


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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc.
May, 2003

In the business world, the rearview
mirror is always clearer than the windshield.
Warren Buffett (1930 - )


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Marketing on
a Small Budget

There's one question I hear from small companies on a regular basis: "How can I market my product or service without spending a lot of money?"

The bottom line is that nearly anything you do costs in one way or the other. If it doesn't cost dollars, it costs time.

Here are a half dozen ideas that anyone can do to market their company and most are low on the dollars and time expense scale.

  1. Write articles for local publications.

  2. Offer to give presentations to local groups.

  3. Ask for referrals from current customers.

  4. Send press releases to newspapers.

  5. Become active in community groups to expand your networking opportunities.

  6. Keep in touch with your current clients with a newsletter or email.


How to Create a Dynamic Sales Letter That Will Sell Your Products Again and Again

Guerilla Marketing Ideas

Want to see some of the projects produced at Compelling Communications this month?

FREE Marketing Inspiration 2003
Download your copy of this free 135 page book full of marketing information. Free from Compelling Communications!

Company News

Book in Progress
A new book about customer service, authored by June Van Klaveren, is underway.

Web Site Services Expand
Compelling Communications has entered into a strategic arrangement with Meta Creation, Atlanta, for collaboration on initial web site design.

Case Study -

Challenge: Loss Prevention Consultants requested a new professional image.

Solution: We created a new logo, letterhead, business cards & envelopes and a new web site all integrated to form a more professional image

Results: The site was posted and began receiving hits. John Dueker, owner of LPC, likes the fact that he can point prospects to the site to learn about his services immediately. Letterhead and business cards are enabling John to network and correspond with customers and prospects.


"The web site looks great and is really working out well. The fact that all our marketing is tightly integrated in one design projects the kind of image I was looking for." --John Dueker, President

Need a free evaluation of your marketing materials?

Email to your marketing materials (or fax it to 636-394-6979) for a free evaluation.

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