Compelling Communications

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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc.
March, 2003

" My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon." --Taoist saying


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Making the Best of Adverse Times

Recently a client asked if we should proceed with his marketing projects in light of impending war situations in the world. He worried that if war were declared, everyone's attention would be on war and the exposure of his mailing would be reduced.

After careful consideration, I advised him to proceed with the project. Here's why:

1) Doing nothing produces nothing. Even in bad times, we must keep on keeping on. Without effort, sales will decline in any economic situation, especially one as grave as the world is facing now.

2) Marketing services and products, even by small companies, makes a positive impact on the economy.

3) Every marketing effort, at any time, in any economic situation gets your name "out there" to people who need your product or service as long as a) the message is on target; b) you've selected the right prospects; and c) your marketing vehicle is professional.

So the bottom line is. . . KEEP MARKETING!


Watch this space each month for the monthly raving about a favorite topic. Click here to hear a 45 second audio file!

Want to see recent projects produced at Compelling Communications?

FREE Marketing Inspiration 2003
Click here to download your copy of this free 135 page book full of marketing information. Free from Compelling Communications!

Case Study -

Challenge: Rottler Pest Control & Lawn Care decided to add the local Home Show to their marketing strategy and needed a professional-looking trade show booth.

Solution: We conducted research on an affordable booth structure solution for Rottler, designed the overall look of the booth along with graphics, lights and other components.

Results: Rottler is pleased with the booth traffic and business they wrote at the Home Show. In fact, they plan on a larger booth in 2004!

Need a free evaluation of your marketing materials?

Email to your marketing materials (or fax it to 636-394-6979) for a free evaluation.

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