Communications, Inc.

Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc. -- November, 2003

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Your Biggest Little Advertisement - Your Business Card

What is the smallest, least expensive, yet most important promotional device you have? If you thought, "business card," you're right! In a minimum of just seven square inches, you can present who you are, what you do, how to contact you, what kind of business you have and much more. Though small, your card says more than just the basic information about the business. Your business card should include as much of the information on the right as applies to your business.

If you answer "Yes" to all the evaluation questions, congratulations, you have a great business card!

To read more about using business cards as a marketing tool, click here!

If you would like to have your business card evaluated, attach a high resolution scan of your card to an email. Click here!

If you have other tips for improving the perception of your company, them for a chance to win a free copy of The Edge Up.


Evaluation Questions

  1. Is your card up to date?
  2. Does your card contain your correct phone numbers & locations?
  3. Is your card printed on a heavy weight, distinctive paper stock?
  4. Does your card contain a statement of exactly what your business does?
  5. Does your card contain your email address?
  6. Does your card contain your Fax number?
  7. Does your card contain your Website address?
  8. Was your card professionally designed?
  9. Does the design of your card contain plenty of "white" space?
  10. Is your card printed in at least two colors?
  11. Do you print something on the back of your card

In This Issue


The Edge Up


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What's going on at Compelling Communications?

  • The Georgia Pest Control Association has selected Compelling Communications for PR services in 2004. More info.
  • The latest Newsletter Art Package has just been mailed to subscribers. More info. . .
  • NPMA convention in Dallas yielded new contacts and new business!
  • As a member of the Home-Based Women Entrepreneurs, June is Vice President.
  • The Fall issue of the Illinois Pest Control Association newsletter has just been published.
  • Reconnecting with former employer, Whitmire Micro-Gen, June has been producing various writing projects for the Communications Department.
  • Orders for The Edge Up continue to come in. Publicity has appeared in PCT magazine,, Pest Control Magazine, and Greenhouse Grower Magazine.
  • June was interviewed about her book on KEZK radio for airing on November 16. (Thank
    you Laura Steele!)


The Edge Up
Sales Progressing

The Edge Up explains in an easy-to-read manner how to get "the edge up" on your competition with great customer service. It focuses on small and home-based businesses.

To place your order. go to and click on Order!

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Compelling Communications
Helping clients attract and keep customers for life!

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