Communications, Inc.
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Case Study
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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- August, 2004

Marketing Mistakes




Case Study

Challenge: The City of Manchester, MO had submitted an extensive Plan of Intent to annex an area east of the city. The challenge was to inform/persuade residents in that area of the benefits of annexation though written materials. Many individuals believed that the only benefit of annexation was free trash pickup.

We designed a two color, economical oversized postcard with a compelling headline with photos providing the subtle message. Information about public meetings was included on the back of the card.


The only thing that makes life possible is permanent intolerable uncertainty - not knowing what comes next --- Ursula Guin

"There is no such thing as a Mass Mind. The Mass Audience is made up of individuals, and good advertising is written always from one person to another. When it is aimed at millions it rarely moves anyone." -Fairfax Cone

Just for Grins

One night, Bill heard a knock at his door. He answered it and found a six-foot cockroach there. The bug threw him across the room, then left. The next night, the doorbell rang again. The same cockroach slugged him in the stomach and left. The following night, he was kneed in the groin and hit behind the ear.

Finally, Joe went to the doctor. He explained the attacks and added, "What can I do?"

"Not much," the doctor said."There's just a nasty bug going around."

Sample Projects

Click the links to see samples of projects we've completed this past month.

Pest Corp/First Green Brochure
This is a California company's first brochure. It represents the company's services with photos and descriptive copy.

AmeriCare Magnet
AmeriCare in Murfreesboro, TN is using this magnet as a promotional device. It will be attached to the front of the Yellow Pages books in the area.

Projektek requested the front end design of their new website.

Great Links

Pertinent Information

This is an information packed site designed to help you excel in life. If you are an entrepreneur, educator and/or student, this site has the information you need

This site is a subscription based site, but if you regularly need clip art or stock photography, this is a valuable resource.


UPF&DA hires Compelling Communications
The United Producers Formulators and Distributors Association has hired Compelling Communications to conduct a survey of its membership. The organization wanted to learn the opinions of its membership on various topics from purpose to details about its meetings. Results will be presented in August at the Kansas City UPF&DA meeting.
The Edge Up Being Used in Training Sessions
June will be presenting a training session for Insects Limited in July based on The Edge Up after each participant has read the book.

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