Communications, Inc.

Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc. -- February, 2004

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Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

  • Develop a press kit containing photos, interviews, brochures, and background information. Send it whenever you're contacted by (or are contacting) the press.
  • Have your picture taken every year if you are a public speaker so you always have an up-to-date photo to send ahead of your presentation.
  • If you hear nothing positive from a customer, ask if the service/product worked out.
  • Spend at least an hour a week surfing the internet to find competitive information or just fresh, new ideas.
  • Have your business cards printed on both sides include a list of services or products, or your mission statement on the back. Print it near the top of the back of the card, leaving room at the bottom for notes.
  • Join a networking organization and participate actively to develop relationships which spell more business for you!

Case Study

Challenge: It was a goal of Viva Vacations to create a new individual identity in 2004.

Solution: A new logo was created to reflect the fun of the vacations booked. Want to book a vacation? Click here

Quotes of the Month

Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.

Just for Grins

"Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend; inside of a dog, it's too dark too read." Groucho Marx


Publicity Tips

Your company, small business or retail store is celebrating its 6th, 12th or 20th anniversary and you want the world to know. But if all you do is call the reporter at your local newspaper and announce the anniversary, don’t be surprised if the reporter says, “Who cares?”You need a clever hook to get free publicity if you're celebrating an anniversary. Here are several ideas from The Publicity Hound, Joan Stewart, to get you started:

Getting Publicity for your Company's Anniversary

Want to download music legally?

Here are some sites

Obscure Holidays

Tie promotions into an obscure holiday, using this site that lists strange holidays for next month.

March holidays

Website for Kids

Check out the PestWorld for Kids website developed by PPMA. It's full of games and education about pests for kids of any age, teachers and anyone wanting a fun way to learn about insects.

The Edge Up -- Customer Service Book

For more information or to order your copy of The Edge Up by June Van Klaveren, click here. Many companies report that they are using each chapter as the basis for customer service training.

Now accepting
credit cards

To make it more convenient for our customers, we now accept personal MasterCard and Visa cards.

In This Issue



Case Study

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